Chip Bell was honored to receive acknowledgement of his charitable contributions to The Shriners’ Children’s Hospitals at 2019’s Meeting On The Bay. Chip Bell was chosen to contribute one of his titles to the second anthology in the Murder and Mayhem Series to benefit the Writing Out Cancer campaign. Two great singer/songwriters have written songs about The Jake Sullivan Series. Eric Stone’s “Topical Crimes in Tropical Climes” reached #1 in Radio A1A’s Trop 40 Countdown and has remained in the top 40 for months, as has Donny Brewer’s “Trouble in Paradise”. Key West’s honorary mayor, Sammie Mays, has awarded The Jake Sullivan Series her highest honor for literary excellence. Over Memorial Day Weekend in 2014, the first volume in “The Jake Sullivan Series” was a Bookbub featured selection and generated over 79000 downloads to reach #1 in the Kindle store.